Log Visualization
Visualization is a critical step to developing a comprehensive understanding of all of your geological data. NeuraSection enables you to display and interpret available geological data within its database, with the power to create and present a rounded E&P project.
Interpretation and Integration
Complete the final steps in your evaluation using NeuraSection’s workflow wizards, using whatever geological data you have available. Cross-sections can be made in minutes displaying almost any data the user chooses. A montage can then be created to present a more accurate interpretation as the capstone of your evaluation. NeuraSection will allow you to more quickly and accurately interpret and display all available geological data.
Neuralog Pro – Digitizing Modules Part of Complete Offering
NeuraSection is now offered as part of Neuralog Pro, a complete package that offers access to all software for a low-cost monthly subscription. The suite includes NeuraLog, NeuraSection, NeuraMap, Desktop, and NeuraView.i
Key Benefits of Interpretation
Collecting and loading suitable data is your primary obstacle to accurate evaluations. Interactive map editing allows you to fine-tune and take direct control of your interpretation. Neuralog provides:

Answers to your E&P questions in one module
Quick auto contour generation within the AOI
Use vendor formats alongside proprietary data

Visualize E&P data from multiple databases
Accurate map calibration to eliminate stretch
Easily handles multiple file formats and map types

Neuralog Pro
Access all software modules for one price
Simple setup and licensing
Affordably priced and ideal for project work
F. Reid, Providence Oil Company
Featured Products
Quickly view, process, and print well logs and maps from multiple file types.
Import vectors for instant calculations on your reservoir.
Purpose-built for scanning well logs and continuous documents from anywhere.