Well, Log, Document and Project Management Solutions
Neuralog Desktop streamlines your data management. It is a powerful application for accessing and visualizing your project and E&P data. Organize your wells, logs, related documents, and geological projects, through a GIS-based interface. Log, map, and other data from multiple applications can be captured, edited, and saved in Neuralog Desktop and shared with others to drive your project forward.
Neuralog Desktop integrates with the entire Neuralog product suite and stores raw data files and working files from NeuraLog, maps and related documents from NeuraMap, and logs, contour maps, and cross sections from NeuraSection.
Neuralog Pro – Digitizing Modules Part of Complete Offering
The robust document management in Neuralog Desktop is offered as part of Neuralog Pro, a complete package that offers access to all software for a low-cost monthly subscription. Neuralog Pro enables access to the entire product suite which includes NeuraLog, NeuraSection, NeuraMap, Desktop, and NeuraView.
Key Benefits of Document Management
Desktop makes organizing and accessing data easy. When a full-blown enterprise data management system doesn’t meet your project needs, Desktop is the answer. Desktop and NeuraLog provide:

Visualize E&P data from multiple databases
Accurate map calibration to eliminate stretch
Easily handles multiple file formats and map types

Quick and accurate curve tracing
Streamlined workflows for faster analysis
Industry standard technology

Neuralog Pro
Access all software modules for one price
Simple setup and licensing
Affordably priced and ideal for project work
F. Reid, Providence Oil Company