Neuralog for Volumetrics & Reserves
Calculate Distances, Areas, Volumes & Reserves
Volumetrics and Reserve Calculations
NeuraMap enables you to automatically recognize and capture map symbols to improve workflow efficiency and increase digitizing speed. Work with a variety of map types to calculate distances, areas, volumes, and reserves. Volumetric methods include many different mathematical algorithms including standard and modified.
Map Digitization
Maps of your “Area of Interest” (AOI) can be created to post values, contour, calculate volumetric reserves, and annotate for presentation in NeuraSection. Delineate reserves, maximize data resources, and minimize the time required to create and present the total play concept.
Neuralog Pro – Volumetrics and Reserves as Part of Complete Offering
The Volumetrics and Reserves available in NeuraMap and NeuraSection are now offered as part of Neuralog Pro, a complete package that offers access to all software for a low-cost monthly subscription. The suite includes: NeuraLog, NeuraSection, NeuraMap, Desktop, and NeuraView.
Key Benefits of Volumetrics and Reserves
Ensure accurate maps with calibration and QC tools that export in a variety of industry-standard formats. Easily calculate reserves and export to custom reports for use in presentations, audits, or other documents. Neuralog provides:

Capture map symbols for faster analysis
Accurate map calibration to eliminate stretch
Easily handles multiple file formats and map types

Answers to your E&P questions in one module
Quick auto contour generation within the AOI
Use vendor formats alongside proprietary data

Neuralog Pro
Access all software modules for one price
Simple setup and licensing
Affordably priced and ideal for project work
“NeuraSection is the Desktop Interpretation Tool that geologists have been waiting for… NeuraSection saves time and cuts costs, while creating superior, presentation quality products. …The guys at Neuralog have done a great job!”
F. Reid, Providence Oil Company